Ci sarà guerra in Venezuela nel 2008? Qualcosa sta succedendo, i missili iraniani sono pronti a puntare sulla Colombia, stiamo attenti perchè Chavez non riposa mai...nemmeno per la Campbell dal momento che quella era una bufala. Ci riempiamo la bocca di 'PACE' ma accettiamo che Chavez si armi fino ai denti per realizzare i suoi progetti di guerra.
Habrá guerra en Latino América en el 2008? Hace dos años señalé que Irán estaba enviando misiles a Venezuela. Estas armas ya fueron ensambladas e instaladas dentro del territorio venezolano, pero su objetivo no es Estados Unidos, sino Colombia. Los testigos informan que los misiles están ahora ubicados en la frontera con Colombia bajo la supervisión técnica y directa de iraníes, y que los misiles están completamente operativos. La economía venezolana va hacia una situación caótica, y el liderazgo del país, habiendo reconocido a las FARC y al ELN como entes soberanos, pareciera decidido a convertir el gobierno actual colombiana en un estado socialista. Será que el gobierno de Chavez, creyendo que los Estados Unidos está demasiado preocupado con el Medio Oriente, y temiendo que la corrupción galopante en su país lo puede tumbar, esté decidido a disparar estos misiles contra Colombia apoyando una ofensiva final de las FARC, con miras a tumbar el gobierno electo? Aunque esperamos que esto no suceda, se de estar preparado en caso de que así fuera.
Por las razones antes mencionadas, recomendamos que el riesgo país de Colombia sea revaluado, para tomar en consideración la posibilidad clara de que surja un conflicto armado con Venezuela este año. Si se lanzaran misiles contra Colombia las comunicaciones normales internacionales, así como las líneas de mando del poder quedarían deshabilitadas, y las instituciones financieras se cerrarían temporalmente. Aquellos bancos internacionales que sostengan transacciones importantes con Colombia deberían contar con un plan de contingencia para esa eventualidad, debido a que las cartas de crédito, transferencia de fondos internacionales y pagos de rutina se verían interrumpidos.
Se debe tomar en cuenta que los criminales financieros, especialmente los que se dedican al lavado de dinero y que actúan a favor de las organizaciones del narco-tráfico, buscarían transferir fondos aprovechándose de que en una situación de caos y guerra, los oficiales estarían distraídos y sobrecargados de trabajo y por lo tanto no se darían cuenta de que se estuvieran efectuando estas transacciones ilícitas.
Iranian missiles are pointed at Colombia, increasing country risk
13 February 2008
Will there be a war in Latin America in 2008? Two years ago, I reported on the covert shipment of Iranian missiles* to Venezuela. These offensive weapons systems have now finally been assembled and installed inside Venezuelan territory, but their intended targets are not the United States; it is Colombia. Eyewitnesses report that the missiles are now located on the border with Colombia, are under the direct technical supervision of Iranian nationals, and are fully operational. The Venezuelan economy is headed towards total chaos, and the country's leadership, having recognised the FARC and ELN as sovereign national entities, appears committed to changing the present Colombian government into a socialist state. Will the Chavez government, believing that the United States is too preoccupied with the Middle East, and fearing that its runaway corruption will bring it down, fire these missiles into Colombia, in support of a final FARC offensive, seeking to topple the elected government? Whilst we hope that this does not come to pass, one must now prepare in case it does.
For the foregoing reasons, we recommend that country risk for Colombia should now be reassessed, to factor in the distinct possibility of an armed conflict with Venezuela this year. If offensive missile systems are deployed against Colombia, normal international communications, as well as power grids, will most likely be disabled, and financial institutions temporarily closed. International banks whose clients have substantial commerce with Colombia would be wise to create a contingency plan at this time, for letters of credit, international funds transfers, and routine payments would all be disrupted. Note also that financial criminals, particularly transnational money launderers acting on behalf of narcotics trafficking organisations, might also seek to transfer funds, calculating that in the chaos of war, distracted and overworked compliance officers might not discover, or could overlook illicit transactions. * Note that much of the equipment is of Russian manufacture, but since Iran supplied them to Venezuela, one can only regard them as of Iranian origin.
Por las razones antes mencionadas, recomendamos que el riesgo país de Colombia sea revaluado, para tomar en consideración la posibilidad clara de que surja un conflicto armado con Venezuela este año. Si se lanzaran misiles contra Colombia las comunicaciones normales internacionales, así como las líneas de mando del poder quedarían deshabilitadas, y las instituciones financieras se cerrarían temporalmente. Aquellos bancos internacionales que sostengan transacciones importantes con Colombia deberían contar con un plan de contingencia para esa eventualidad, debido a que las cartas de crédito, transferencia de fondos internacionales y pagos de rutina se verían interrumpidos.
Se debe tomar en cuenta que los criminales financieros, especialmente los que se dedican al lavado de dinero y que actúan a favor de las organizaciones del narco-tráfico, buscarían transferir fondos aprovechándose de que en una situación de caos y guerra, los oficiales estarían distraídos y sobrecargados de trabajo y por lo tanto no se darían cuenta de que se estuvieran efectuando estas transacciones ilícitas.
Iranian missiles are pointed at Colombia, increasing country risk
13 February 2008
Will there be a war in Latin America in 2008? Two years ago, I reported on the covert shipment of Iranian missiles* to Venezuela. These offensive weapons systems have now finally been assembled and installed inside Venezuelan territory, but their intended targets are not the United States; it is Colombia. Eyewitnesses report that the missiles are now located on the border with Colombia, are under the direct technical supervision of Iranian nationals, and are fully operational. The Venezuelan economy is headed towards total chaos, and the country's leadership, having recognised the FARC and ELN as sovereign national entities, appears committed to changing the present Colombian government into a socialist state. Will the Chavez government, believing that the United States is too preoccupied with the Middle East, and fearing that its runaway corruption will bring it down, fire these missiles into Colombia, in support of a final FARC offensive, seeking to topple the elected government? Whilst we hope that this does not come to pass, one must now prepare in case it does.
For the foregoing reasons, we recommend that country risk for Colombia should now be reassessed, to factor in the distinct possibility of an armed conflict with Venezuela this year. If offensive missile systems are deployed against Colombia, normal international communications, as well as power grids, will most likely be disabled, and financial institutions temporarily closed. International banks whose clients have substantial commerce with Colombia would be wise to create a contingency plan at this time, for letters of credit, international funds transfers, and routine payments would all be disrupted. Note also that financial criminals, particularly transnational money launderers acting on behalf of narcotics trafficking organisations, might also seek to transfer funds, calculating that in the chaos of war, distracted and overworked compliance officers might not discover, or could overlook illicit transactions. * Note that much of the equipment is of Russian manufacture, but since Iran supplied them to Venezuela, one can only regard them as of Iranian origin.
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